Looking On The Bright Side of
How to Ace your Acting Audition
It takes a lot to regularly audition for commercials, not to mention other bigger roles in bigger productions. Landing the part advertised is always the dream of the candidates, as it is a door to even more acting roles and a brighter future with career fulfillment. Auditioning however can drain you of your morale and energy, especially when you do not see results from your efforts.
The fact that you have to do as many as possible to improve your chances does not make it any easier. Your life revolves around those two minutes you have before the cameras, and what your performance means to the casting team. It, therefore, helps to know a bit about how to get it right.
Never underestimate your presentation. How you look affects the perception you create in the casting team before you even utter the first word in the script. A commercial takes seconds, thus not leaving room for you to build a character. It has to be instantly understood, meaning you have to bring the right image from the get-go. It does not mean you have to walk in already meeting the needs of the creative team, but it helps to be close. Keep in mind that the way you introduce yourself, such as your attitude, or your voice, matters in the process.
Not one person decides whether you are in or not. Apart from the team, you will meet at the audition, there are representatives from the company who owns the commercial or other production you auditioned for. You, therefore, have to impress not only the casting agency creative team, the casting director, and the scriptwriter, you also have to do the same to the company people responsible for launching the ad or other production. The agency creative director carries the most influence, but each party has a say. You cannot do much about this part, except performing your best at the audition. You have to learn to let it go if you do not make it.
You have access to certain ways to make the role fit you. You will receive the script early enough. At the same time, you will receive the casting spec. that is an important factor in how you get yourself ready to fit the role, and the role to fit you. There are clues in how the casting spec is written. A good direction that always works is to keep the performance natural and real. Do not be too flamboyant, even in instances when over the top performances are expected. Genuine moments before the camera are gold. In the case of a commercial, making it relatable is the golden rule.
You must always aim to make an impression. You may not land the part advertised, but your performance may be the perfect one for another role. If you made a good impression, the agency will only need to call you for it. You, therefore, need to give it your best and see your efforts pay off, now or later.
Keep in mind that listening more and talking fewer works even in this instance. You have to understand what the casting team wants and deliver along those lines. You can understand them even better when you go to this site, for even more amazing tips.
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